Friday, January 4, 2008

new blog! new slideshow!

Okay, it is now 11:53 pm. I really really need to go to bed. I got obsessed with this blog tonight, and Matt is in the other room snoring. Just thought I would let you know when I get the most work done! hahahahaha!

On a side note, I finally got a slideshow on here. I have been trying for a while to figure it out. Gold Star to me!

PS: I am going to bed now.

PPS: Does anyone know how to change the background to a design? Not just a color?

PPPS: Blake is talking in his sleep... I can hear him.

PPPPS: Okay, now, I'm gonna go to bed.

PPPPPS: Wait.... now.


Jen Hanson said...

It was good to see you and your mom at Target. Your little boy is so cute. My blog is

To change the background of your blog go to They have thousands to choose from!

Jess said...

Cute slide show!! Cute new layout!!And it was so fun to see you guys on New Years day.

Starr said...

DARLING BLOG EVER. Good freaking job! We need to go to lunch. I miss you!