Monday, August 24, 2009

Emergancy Prep Kinda Sucks

So, the ward seems to think that the end is near. Every first Sunday (starting with August) for the rest of the year we will have (and have had) Emergency/ Disaster Preparation. The first set of items that we were asked to get ready were water and personal documentation. I had no idea how much water I need, lame. The human body needs at least 1 gallon per day. Not to mention all the water you need to clean.
So after class today, I went and picked-up four 7-gallon containers, one for each of us. So based on the aforementioned calculations, I hope the next disaster lasts for less than 3-4 days. Oh yeah, and it cost $75. That's the sucky part. I'm all for post-apocalyptic survival strategy, but does it have to put me out by so much hard earned.

Now, for the next few days, I will be scanning in drivers licenses, SSN cards, life insurance policies and the like. Lucky me.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

i hear ya. I did this a few years back and then I've let it go by the way-side. I hate that once you buy everything you have to use it or you lose it. food storage sucks in my mind--why can't food last forever? :)