Friday, October 9, 2009

Confessions of a Desperate Mother

Every mother at some point has one of those desperate moments in which you do crazy "look-at-that-poor-mother" things!

Like the time I ran out of wet wipes and Blake had a massive explodo poop in the car. I didn't have wet wipes, but I did have armor all wipes for the interior of my car! Yes, I armor-alled Blake's patootie! Wha-What? His back side sparkled! But I did take him home and give him a bath.

Desperate mothers do desperate things! Like today. I know that I don't need to explain this, but I basically put my son in a rolling cage to go to sleep! What? Let me show you.

First this happened.... (Yes, he can sit in a cart now! I do not miss being tethered to that car seat!)

So I picked him up. That looked extremely uncomfortable! But, then he got really heavy! 18 pounds of baby can really weigh you down! So I did this...

Yes, he is in the front of the cart under the little seat.... i just set him down. He is sleeping on Blake's sweater, so he has a little pillow. That counts for something right?

1 comment:

Seth and Sarah said...

Heck yes that counts for something! I love creative sleeping spots. I hadn't thought of the back of the shopping cart yet...hmmm...